The answer is yes - it is possible but there are downsides to using this method.
We have created a new page with more information on this subject here :
bending panels into corners
The main issue with this installation method is that there are no real advantages. A well sealed butt joint or a joint employing a Corner Trim will be just as waterproof but a lot less fiddly to execute.
Our prefered method for internal corners is to butt join the panels and seal with a good quality silicone. As there is no grout used in the installation of our panels there is nowhere to harbour moisture and so the silicone, if applied correctly, will remain mould-free for years. On lighter coloured panels use a white silicone, on deeper shades use a clear silicone sealant. This will result in a very neat, waterproof finish for the corner and is suitable for use inside showers. If you are concerned about water leaking through the corner joint you can run silicone if the corner first and then push the panels into the wet silicone, encasing the joint in silicone, just wipe off any excess silicone sealant at the joint.
It is also possible (but tricky) to cut the panels for external corners but this involves removal of the webbing from inside the panel leaving the front surface more susceptible to splitting when the panel are bent. Our prefered method for external corner would be to use an angle trim, as available from our website. Another option is to use a tile edge trim. These result in a very neat finish but you have make sure that the panels are cuttin accurately as they to not cover up any slight discrepancies in cutting.