Thursday, November 28, 2019

Covering Shower Walls

Showers take a lot of punishment in their lifetime. The environment is hot, wet and steamy which causes havoc with many materials. So what is the best material for covering shower walls?

Tiles have always been the go-to product for most installers. But over the years many householders are finding that there are just too many problems with the, Grout can be hard to clean or completely fail leading to leaks.

Many house-builders have looked to shower pods as a way to overcome the issues and prevent them having to return frequently to sort out problems covered by their guarantee.

Shower wall panels are a great alternative to tiles and remove the majority of the problems that tiles exhibit in one stroke.

They are easy to install, use no grout and will last for years.

Add to this the fact that they are 100% recyclable and can even be re-sued and come around to the conclusion that they are the best solution for covering shower walls.

There is an article on this very subject here.